Universal scalable cloud object storage
Realize your projects with S3 object storage
Data Archiving
Hosting application data for deployment, installation, and management
Data backup and recovery
Analyzing big data and data lakes
Internet of Things (IoT) devices
Media hosting for images, videos and music files
S3 storage
Fault-tolerant infrastructure solution
Provision on the day of application
Access the storage using a user-friendly API interface
Secure data transfer using encryption technologies
Object Storage ITGLOBAL.COM
Universal scalable cloud object storage.
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The S3 object store has built-in options for end users
A monitoring and analytics tool that provides the user with recommendations on how to reduce financial lease costs, improve storage profitability, and information security measures
Optimizes the amount of disk space on the virtual storage. If the data has not been requested by the user for 30 days, it is moved to the “infrequent” access area, after 90 days the information is moved to the “archive data” area (Archive Access level), and after 180 days – to the Deep Archive Access level. This is how the user works with the data, the access rate of which is maximized
The option allows you to scale storage, implement dedicated access zones or delimit rights
The tool allows you to create a task (policy) and then specify rules and select objects to apply. Tasks can be grouped into lists, prioritized and changes can be recorded in the event log
The service closes access to public data on the basis of user’s choice. The blocking object is a storage item, a catalog or a user account. In the latter case, access to all information bound to the account is blocked
S3 storage categorizes data into classes based on user requirements
Standard Infrequent Access
One Zone-Infrequent Access
How S3 object storage works

Universal scalable cloud object storage.
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